Thursday, April 17, 2008

Beautiful People part 1

Well here are the first pages from my Beautiful People album. This first page is about Karen, one of my best friends from work.

My boss Keira. She left us last week, and I miss her so much already.

Ashley & Hannah, two of the girls from work who are about my age, but have now left. Ashley left us at the end of February to head off to Italy for the year, and Hannah is moving to Sydney on the weekend. Today is her last day at work. I'm kind of glad I'm not there, coz I'd probably be too sad! Hannah is one of my fav people at work, and it definitely won't be the same without her.

My Aunty Jeneen. She is so great. Always so loving, caring & encouraging. It's a shame she lives in Sydney, so I don't get to see her real often. So I am thankful for the internet, particularly blogs & facebook, I love how it keeps you in contact with people.

Erin my cousin who is only 7 weeks younger than me. We have grown up together & she is one of my favourite people.

Emily & Jess two of my school friends who I am still good friends with.

My friend Amy who is one of my best buds, but she is moving to Townsville soon. Sigh!
Stay tuned, more pages coming soon!!


Cass said...

Love 'em! :D

Beverley said...

Beautiful people - beautiful layouts. :o)

Cropworks - turning inspiration into your creation said...

Haylee your work is always inspirational just like you are. You are one of the "beautiful people"-both inside and outside.I always look forward in seeing you, you remind me of one of my daughters.Take care and I am sending you big hugs.

Karen L said...

What a beautiful way to honour those people who are special in your life Haylee. I love what you have done so far and I am looking forward to seeing more.

Happyjen said...

These are all Beautiful and I must admit "you made me cry" reading what u wrote about me, noone has ever said anything nice like that about me before, So thank you, that's the special thing about u, u have are caring and truly believe in everyone.